where possible and justified, support for multi-threaded data processing, based on the capabilities of the parallel package, has been added.
functions for determining the state of water and steam (IAPWS) have been excluded from the package due to the decision to use the built-in functions from iapws-package imported from CRAN.
function m325tracebw()now can trace partially sensor-equipped district networks.
functions m325dropt() and m325tracebwm() were excluded.
functions flux_loss() and loss_flux() were added to convert between specific heat loss power, [kcal/m/h] , and heat flux, [W/m^2].
the heat loss related terminology was clarified and adjusted: terms specific heat loss power, [kcal/m/h], and heat flux, [W/m^2], are viewed separately while stay closely related. Term consumption replaced with flow_rate.